About Me


About Me
SmartyPantz Blog


Howdy...welcome to my Web site!

I'm SmartyPantz, I got the nickname because I'm kind of a smart ass (go figure).  I'm 37 (4/25/1967) and still don't want to grow up.  I'm married to a great guy...how he puts up with me I don't have a clue (of course I don't have a clue how I put up with him either so I guess we're even) we've been married almost 19 years.

We've got three kids; the oldest (boy) is a freshman at Texas A&M University, the middle (boy) is in 7th grade and the youngest (girl) is in 1st grade.  Yes I know, we'll have kids forever!  We spend most of our free time (time not at work) doing stuff for or with the kids, three kids take a lot of time!

We also have 1 four year old cat, his name is PK, stands for Princess King (our youngest named him); 1 year old male Peek-a-Poo (The Peek-a-Poo is a cross between the Pekingese and the Miniature Poodle.) named Cadet and 1 year old female Toy Poodle named Gidget.  The joke was that I replaced our oldest with two dogs!

We live in a small town in Texas between Austin and Waco.  We like it here, we've got a lot of family close by but not in the same town... it's kinda nice that way.  Dear Hubby and I both work close to home, just ten minutes away and maybe a mile or two from each other.

I'm a LAN Analyst so I sit in front of a computer all day.  That might make you think I wouldn't want to touch a computer at home but I have a serious computer/Internet problem and have to force myself to get off the computer in the mornings to get ready for work!!  I used to be a Family Practice Nurse but I left nursing to go back to school so I could get a job where I could play with computers all day.  The only problem with that is that I don't really get to play with them... I spend a lot of my time helping end users (very trying) and fixing broken machines.

I used to be very active back in school but have really let myself go.  I'm trying to change that by doing Eating for Life through eDiets and following the Body for Life workouts.  Dear Hubby is doing the Eating for Life with me and the kids are eating what we fix.

When we decided to do this I cleaned out the kitchen and took ten bags of groceries to our church food pantry.  I have a real chip problem so I had to get them and all the off limits food out of the house.

We have done really well and I just love eDiets!



"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try."

Beverly Sills

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This site was last updated 01/23/05